Principal (Principal)

Today, every nation in the world is becoming more and more aware about the importance of education. In this case, the overall population of India is not behind and the government is trying to provide them higher quality of higher education than their level. Education is the medium through which a person can achieve social, religious, political justice and keep his culture intact. Kashi region has been the center of religion, philosophy, culture, knowledge, education, literature and spirituality since ancient times. Many scholars have been born and cremated, this Kashi has published the world not only in the light of knowledge but also the world. As a beam of this immeasurable mass of knowledge, the new knowledge seed which has been planted in this college as the purpose of extending the old academic culture of this year, soon flowered and flown in the form of a knowledge tree Will be prestigious in

In college want to provide such an educational environment in the tranquil environment of nature, where education should be given to enhance the specific qualities of life, art and vocational skills in such a way that the development of youth is in the desired direction. There is a very old saying- The king is worshiped only in the country, the worship of the scholar is in the whole world. Education is called the never ending wealth. Money is an external object and education has its own property. Education gives mental solidity, social respect, and economic benefits as well. On this basis, education in educational economics is called human capital. Keep in mind that the usefulness of principal lies in its safety and its proper appropriation. Nation's
Economic development is also based on human capital.

Excellence and quality education through eco-friendly, Continuous process of providing in a dignified, disciplined environment with your support Continue.